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Wizardry Variants Daphne is out now, bringing the hit dungeon crawler to mobile LZK6mSi
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Wizardry Variants Daphne is out now, bringing the hit dungeon crawler to mobile Empty Wizardry Variants Daphne is out now, bringing the hit dungeon crawler to mobile

Fri Nov 08, 2024 9:01 am
Wizardry Variants Daphne, the latest mobile entry in the famous dungeon-crawling franchise, is out now on iOS and Android. Following a group of adventurers exploring a dangerous dungeon called the Abyss, like many entries in the series it promises exploration, combat and plenty of power-scaling as you delve deeper to take on deadlier and deadlier challenges.

Wizardry should need little introduction, but for those who are unaware, it's one of the longest-running RPG series ever. Typically following the usual format of adventurers exploring a dungeon, it differs from other series in that you don't explore an open world, instead focusing on a single area and town hub.

Wizardry Variants Daphne meanwhile is a lot more anime-esque than other games, mainly because the series has proven to be such a major hit in Japan. But for sceptics, it still promises just as much excitement, action, danger and adventure as you'd expect from any other game carrying the Wizardry name!

Wizardry Variants Daphne is out now, bringing the hit dungeon crawler to mobile Hqdefault

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All abyss, no stygian
I can definitely see some people being put off by the more anime art style, especially given Wizardry originated quite close to the original Dungeons & Dragons aesthetic. However, it's worth noting that Wizardry is arguably responsible for much of the modern interest in fantasy from Japanese fans and developers, and it's easy to see inspiration in many of the monsters even from other modern titles.

But if you're still not fussed, don't worry. Why not check out some of the picks we've selected for our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to find some other ways to while away the hours?

And if that's not enough, or you're simply more of a budget-conscious player, you can always check out our other list of the top 25 free-to-play games on iOS and Android for ones you don't need to spend a dime on!
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